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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Don't Take a Vacation While on Vacation!

Greetings! I have a couple of thoughts for this week's entry as I sip my coffee this morning from Daytona Beach! I ran 7 this morning running up and over the 2 bridges over the causeway and folks it doesn't get much better than tha! I try to get in some decent runs when on vacation. But, the doesn't mean an everyday run. I'm sure that we burned more calories yesterday in 12 hours of walking around Epcot than I would running a marathon! And all of the walking counts as fitness! On Monday we rented 3 recumbent bikes and road up the beach for an hour! That was fun and healthy! And who doesn't swim while on vacation!? That's a perfect exercise that's enjoyable to do on vacation. So, you should definitely take some time specifically for fitness while on vacation. I'll probably get 1 or 2 more runs in this week which will be fine as the other days we are on the go! So, as the weather heats up and vacation season is near don't get flustered if the vacation breaks up the fitness routine...work around it and have fun! Lastly, just a thought about the state of fitness the nation is in today. We saw numerous people that had motorized carts in Epcot yesterday. Many of these folks were just plain too heavy to walk around. In one instance I saw a couple both on carts and had their kids on their laps riding with them. What a lesson that teaches our kids...that if you get too heavy to walk that it's OK. That's really sad. If I can get one person to turn their lives around and get healthy I'll be happy! Stay fit and happy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

On To The Next!

Well, I won't lie...I was really disappointed with my 5K time last weekend!  I had the training in place, the pace numbers were there in speed sessions and darn it I'm in great shape for March!  I was happy with a second place finish to a youngster that I'm old enough to be his father but still my time of 17:37 was bad...or so I thought!  Bottom line is that it was still a great race for me.

Almost everyone using a GPS watch that I talked to said the course was long as did mine.  Now, I don't think it was long enough for me to say I really ran a sub 17 5K but I think I was certainly in PR territory and may have run faster than my 17:15 from last year.  So really, I ran faster than what I though which was better than what I had initially thought.

And, the last factor of the performance is just plain being smart.  I trained hard last week.  Way too hard to be racing and expecting a PR time!  I'm not 18 years old anymore...or even 35 for that matter.  A few years ago I could do 2 speed sessions per week and recover fine.  Now, I do 1 speed session every other week because it just taxes my legs too much!  So, lesson learned...taper even for those small races to get the best performance possible!

Lastly, let's just move on to the next race!  Don't dwell on a disappointing performance.  Use it for motivation to work harder and smarter for the next event.  Believe that you will run, bike, swim, etc better next time.  Being confident is very important in running and sports in general...but keep in it check and don't let overconfidence hurt you!

Keep moving!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Build That Accountability!!!

As folks are getting into fitness routines one of the most difficult things to do is to keep coming back.  This is especially true for someone that is very new to healthy living.  One of the best things you can do is log your fitness activity.  This can be as simple as just logging the day, minutes of activity, and the type of activity in a spreadsheet.  If you have more than a 1 day gap then fill it!  This can be a very simple way to make yourself accountable.  This is one of the cornerstones to the MutualBank Get Fit Challenge!  We all log our fitness time and compete for year end prizes.

Another way you can build accountability is to team up with a partner.  Find someone who enjoys the same type of activity and has a similar schedule so you can workout together, or at least carpool to the gym.  Motivate one another and challenge one another when one of you just doesn't feel it for the day.  One of the best things you can do when your not 'into it' is go anyway and workout.  Chances are you'll feel much better after that workout!

Lastly, once you've made that commitment and have made fitness a part of your life step it up!  Get serious and motivate yourself and your workout buddies to push harder!  Whether you're lifting weights, walking, running, riding bikes; encourage your partner to go farther, faster, harder than they were before and challenge them to do the same for you!  You'll both benefit.  I had a great run this past Sunday running with two friends.  We pushed one another harder than any of us had planned on running and ended up with a great workout that will benefit us in races we all have coming up!

So, partner up and work hard!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Let's Get This Started Again!

Ok, I'm going to try and keep up with this Blog this year!  I hope to keep everyone up with my running status as well as inspire coworkers and friends to get out there and be active.  I'm a team captain at work for the MutualBank Get Fit Challenge.  We just kicked off the 2012 program and log our fitness time for points.  The team with the highest point total at the end of October wins days off, nice clothing, etc.  So, I'll be posting here to try to keep folks motivated.

My goals this year are simple...run faster!  I qualified for the 2013 Boston Marathon with a 2:54 effort at the Monumental Marathon in Indy last fall.  I'm going to run a few 5Ks in preparation for the Indy Mini which will be my 'A' race this year but otherwise save my legs until then.  I have more lofty goals for the mini.  I'm going to see what I can do...I'll take anything faster than 1:19 but would love to really stretch it down into the low '18s or '17s...let's see what I've got.

After the spring running season we'll hit a few Duathlons (probably sprints only this year) and maybe a Tri although I've had shoulder and neck issues every time I've tried to get back in the pool.  Probaby my 'B' race will be the Chicago Marathon but I haven't decided how hard I want to run it...I'll let the weather decide but I'll be training for a 2:50.  So, again this year I will mostly focus on running which is what I enjoy the most.

And, finally just get out there and do something.  Set a goal, enter a race, get your kids involved and get healthy!  Make it a part of your life and your daily routine.  If you're down on the day or just not motivated remember that those days are the days you need to get out and move the most!  Stand up, grab your gym bag, walk towards the door, get to the gym, go outside, walk, run, ride bikes, just move!  Take that first step and the rest will come to you! 

Enjoy and keep running!!!